
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Empty Nest Syndrome

As the Beatles said "Daddy, Our Baby's Gone." After taking the photograph this morning, I went out after work to check on the doves and I found the nest empty! Our babies have flown the coupe!

Our Dove Family

Look at our dove family! The babies are getting big and are very alert. The morning seems to be the best time to photograph them. One of the babies is more outgoing than the other one. Can you figure out which one it is? He (She) was quite curious about what I was doing out there and would cock its head when I talked to them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bubbles at Meme's House

We spent Saturday in Victoria. It was such a pretty day that we went outside to blow bubbles. Everyone was in on the fun!

After a while, Maddie had to run through the sprinkler to wash off all of those bubbles!
But then she had to come back for more! :)

This girl is full of facial expressions! Don't you just wish you could read her mind?

Baby Birds!

The baby birds have arrived! I haven't had a chance to load the other photos that I have taken yet. This morning, the Mama Bird left the nest so I went outside and was able to take these photos. You have look carefully to see the second one.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Baseball Play Offs!

The most part of last week and this week have been spent watching our nephew, Lance, play ball. It's been a family affair with Natalie, Melissa and Maddie joining us for most of the games. Jahno even came after work one night!

Lance is a senior this year and their team has made it to the play offs. Here are some pictures from one of the games on their home field of Lance and family spectators!

This pitch hit Lance - Can you see the baseball? (Hint - Look at his knees!) OUCH!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Maddie's Swimming Lesson

Melissa, Jahno and Maddie were in the pool when I set my camera to continuous shooting. They had put a new life jacket on Maddie which made her a little off balance to begin with. You can see that in the first picture. Look at the expressions on their faces.


Mothers' Day 2009

We spent the day with Steven and Candy and both families to celebrate Mothers' Day. Candy's parents, Cindy and Charles, were our gracious hosts sharing their pool and deck.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Doves on the Patio

Last weekend, we were in the backyard grilling hamburgers when we noticed two doves flying around us. Later, we noticed that one was sitting in a small plastic pot with remnants of last year's flowers. When she flew away, Charlie looked in the pot and saw one small dove egg. We watched her on Sunday morning, and she laid a second egg. The doves seem very content to have us around in the backyard - even Tsunami and the cats don't seem to bother her. As you can see, the pot is hanging high in the air on the arbor that we are growing our grapes on. Jason looked it up and hopefully we'll have baby doves in about 14 days.

Can you see her?

Look closely - Can you see her now?

What about now?

Keep looking....

There she (or he) is!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Corporal Jason K. Wheeler

Notice the ribbon on Jason's uniform. Before he left Afghanistan, he was promoted to Corporal!

Family Photos - May 3, 2009

With Jason home for awhile, we were able to fill up the pew on Sunday morning and take some family picture!

Baseball & Peanuts with Grand Dad

Grand Dad and Maddie were watching the Astros play and just had to share some peanuts!