
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mommy and Maddie!

Maddie wanted some Mommy hugs!

Gianna and Company, Monday (Day 2)

Maddie is still taking pictures of Gianna!

Grand Dad and Gianna!
What a beautiful baby! :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome Gianna!

Gianna Parker Braquet arrived on Sunday, September 27th at 1:04 am. She weighed 6 pounds 15.4 ounces and was 18 inches long. Everyone is doing great. I hope you enjoy these pictures of Gianna and all of her family and friends!

Welcome Gianna!

On the Way to See Gianna!

Gianna Meets Maddie

Gianna Has Visitors on Sunday!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Dip in the Bay

Yes, that's us girls running the Monterey Bay - and running back out again! Paula tried to get Mike to come in!

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay

Saturday in California

We had a fun time visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium today. The weather was cool and partly cloudy but when we headed down to Carmel and Pebble Beach, the weather took a nasty turn so we headed back to the house. The fog was rolling in and the streets were damp. Our new plan of action included a stop by a local produce stand where we bought artichokes, jalepeno, strawberries, grapes, cilantro and garlic to go with the steaks and potatoes that we bought for dinner tonight.

Instead of riding, we swam in the heated pool, sat in the hot tub and took a dip in the bay. Well, the girls took a dip in the bay. We were told later that the water was 54 degrees.

Plans for tomorrow - to head to the Big Basin Redwoods State Park along Pacific Coast Highway 1.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Journey to Monterey Bay

Hello, Everyone!
We have traveled down to Monterey Bay after a stop in Napa Valley at one of the wineries and then to San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. The Internet connection is really slow here at the beach (Guess it's on Beach Time!) so I can't upload photos. I'll try again tomorrow.!

Night in Napa

We decided to stay at a this inn in Napa Valley. It was very quaint - almost nostalgic. It only 15 rooms and they were almost like cottages with covered parking.

It's Friday morning and we're headed down to San Francisco this morning and then on to Monterey. I'll try to post some more tonight!

Sacramento to Napa Valley

We are on the way and headed into Napa Valley. Can you see the vineyards?

Sacramento to Napa Valley

The guys finally arrived in Yuba City - they had more traffic and construction along the way than they expected. Once they had some yummy lunch that Paula had fixed, we were on the road.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Girls Have Arrived...

But where are the boys! :) Paula picked Brenda and I up from the airport in Sacramento around 11:30 am (California time) but we haven't seen the guys yet. They were coming in Winnemucca, Nevada and had lots of challenging terrain!

We are waiting at Paula's sister's house in Yuba City, CA where we enjoyed a nice lunch and surfed for sights in Napa Valley that we want to visit. The plans are to stay there tonight and head across the Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow and down to Monterey Bay.

Once I get my camera, I'll add photos!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

California Trip - Part 2

Tuesday, 1:30 pm

Charlie called and said that they were in Denver, CO and it was in the 70's and very pleasant. It was in the high 50's when they were in New Mexico so they had to put on their jackets. By Pueblo, it started to warm up and the jackets came off. They were headed to Grand Junction, CO and that is probably about 300 miles away. (It's almost to the Colorado / Utah border.)

The Trip to California

Charlie took off on Monday morning about 5:00 am from our house. I thought about taking a picture he hooked the trailer to the motorcycle but his camera was already packed and so was mine! Charlie, Mike and Gary all took all of the luggage for them and their wife! When we fly out, all we'll have to have carry on the airplane is one small bag.

Charlie checked in last night about 6:00 pm and they were in Dumas, Texas. It's way up in the Panhandle - north of Amarillo. That's a long way to go in one day! They had everything from temps in the mid 90's to mid 60's plus rain along the way.

They were all exhausted after such a long day on the road.

Check back daily and I will keep this updated - or if Charlie has time (and Internet access), he will update it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beautiful Music


Emory and Maddie had a great time playing the piano at Kimmie's house in June.
NatNat enjoyed sharing her popsicle with Emory and Maddie!